Meeting Lead Handbook

Meeting Lead Handbook

Scheduling leads

Leadership meeting schedule: DDI Leadership Meeting Schedule - Google Sheets

Once you’ve signed up for a day, you’ll get a calendar event for the day from so that it’s on your schedule for the week. If you decide to swap with someone else, please make sure to update that as well.

Steps to lead a DD&I meeting

  • Find the issue & build the agenda 
    • Note: Please make sure that the items you’ve selected are not all about DrupalCon or other event planning - sometimes that can be exclusive to people participating who aren’t attending those events. Try to find something relevant in the news or technology that we can all discuss.
  • Agenda items: 
    • Evergreen items: 
      • Asking for feedback on something we’ve done
      • Events/Camps 
      • Discussing topics around diversity, inclusion, equity, accessibility etc. 
    • Update items: 
      • Planning for camps/cons/events
      • Work on our initiatives 
      • Recent occurrences in the community
    • If you can’t find anything: 
      • Weekly drop newsletter or podcasts
      • Unstructured meeting (see below)
  • Discuss the agenda at the Leadership team sync 
    • At this point, we may be able to suggest things to add. 
  • Create an issue for next week’s meeting & assign it
    • In the issue summary, link to the previous issue
  • Run the meeting (yay!)
    • All other leadership members should attend (unless otherwise informed)
  • Update the issue
    • if there’s anything to capture
    • rollover items to next week if needed
    • upload your script if you have one

Create a Meeting Issue

<h2><strong>Meeting Agenda</strong></h2>

- intro section
- transcript reminder

- say hello & icebreaker

- ddi organizing (agenda item if needed)
- ddi initiatives (pick 2-3 so it's not overwhelming)
- other agenda items

- announcements
- celebrations

- personal check ins (off the transcript)

- open floor

<h2><strong>Stay in touch!</strong></h2>

<a href="" title="Join our newsletter">Join our newsletter</a>
<a href="" title="Read our blog">Read our blog</a>
<a href="" title="Check out the DDI Contrib Team">Check out the DDI Contrib Team</a>

Creating a Meeting script

Here’s a standard meeting script template: 

The Introduction: 

:ddi: *Hello, welcome to this week’s Drupal Diversity & Inclusion meeting!* :ddi:

This meeting:
• happens every Thursday at 12PM EST
• is chat only (no audio or video)
• happens in threads so keep an eye on those notifications
• there are about 5-10 minutes between topics for people who are multitasking to follow along.
• the agenda is public and anyone can add to it: [add your agenda link here]:star: *The transcript of this meeting* will be exported and posted to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.
• We are always working to make DDI channels a better place to work and communicate. If you haven’t already, please read our Guidelines:

Meetings are run by the leadership team - @sugaroverflow, @alannaburke, @sparklingrobots @mdrummond, @alexdmccabe, @laughnan, and @ekl1773. This week it’s my turn to facilitate.

@drnikki, @gdd, @catch, @rubyji, and @hrodrig are our leadership council. 

Saying Hello: 

:zero: If you're joining us today, please introduce yourself (and include your pronouns, if you are comfortable sharing them).  Let us know where you're from, and consider including a land acknowledgement (here's some info: If you'd like, [insert Icebreaker question]

You can also encourage people to acknowledge the land that they're on. Land acknowledgements are a way of creating space for and recognizing Indigenous peoples.  

Agenda Items: 

:one: First agenda item 

:two: :one: Another agenda item with two parts
:two: :two: Part II 

:three: Emoji votes are cool!


announcements (events, jobs, calls for sessions) - check if still relevant!

Channels and Resources:

*DDI Channels & Resources!* More ways to connect and contribute :slightly_smiling_face:
* #ddi-careers -- post jobs, look for jobs, discuss work and career issues in the Drupal-sphere! :moneybag:
* #ddi-contrib-team -- learn how to contribute back to the Drupal project! :building_construction:
* #ddi-session-help -- get feedback on sessions or proposals you have for camps and cons! :studio_microphone:
* #ddi-europe -- have conversations with the European Drupal community about D&I issues! :flag-eu:
* #ddi-media-club -- discuss books & other media related to d&i! :books: (
* #ddi-chat -- converse with DDI folks about *all kinds* of topics, from politics to why your view isn't working!


:four: Celebrations! We use this agenda item as a way of celebrating the wins - big or small in our community. We'll also use them to showcase things people have done or achieve. 

Personal check-Ins: 

:five: *Personal check-ins.* :no_entry_sign:
(These are automatically off the record.)

[ You can add a prompt here if you'd like]

Open Floor: 

six: **Open floor **

If anyone has anything they would like to discuss or ask about - now's your chance. You can also DM me! 


:ddi: :ddi: :ddi:
Official meeting is over, but the conversations will continue. Thank you for showing up and contributing to make this community a better space.
• To send feedback about DD&I, the leadership team, anything really (even anonymous high fives!) click "Submit Feedback" at
• And the work continues over at:
• Agenda for next week: [ issue link here ]. Feel free to add to it!

Run an unstructured meeting

Given that the leadership team is made of volunteers - and our general motto for the work is *you matter more than the cause*, we may run “unstructured meetings” from time to time when the agenda is light or when we do not have the capacity to run a full meeting. 

These will be almost like office hours or a lounge where we can discuss things on people’s minds or just review some work on initiatives. 

[ This handbook will be updated as needed. ]

Full script for copy pasta: 

:ddi: *Hello, welcome to this week’s Drupal Diversity & Inclusion meeting!* :ddi:

This meeting:
• happens every Thursday at 12PM EST.
• is chat only (no audio or video).
• happens in threads so keep an eye on those notifications.
• there are about 5-10 minutes between topics for people who are multitasking to follow along.
• the agenda is public and anyone can add to it: [add your agenda link here].:star: *The transcript of this meeting* will be exported and posted to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.
• We are always working to make DDI channels a better place to work and communicate. If you haven’t already, please read our Guidelines:

Meetings are run by the leadership team - @sugaroverflow, @alannaburke, @sparklingrobots @mdrummond, @alexdmccabe, @laughnan, and @ekl1773. This week it’s my turn to facilitate.

@drnikki, @gdd, @catch, @rubyji, and @hrodrig are our leadership council. 

:zero: If you're joining us today, please introduce yourself (and include your pronouns, if you are comfortable sharing them).  Let us know where you're from, and consider including a land acknowledgement (here's some info: If you'd like, [insert Icebreaker question]

:one: First agenda item 

:two: :one: Another agenda item with two parts
:two: :two: Part II 

*DDI Channels & Resources!* More ways to connect and contribute :slightly_smiling_face:
* #ddi-careers -- post jobs, look for jobs, discuss work and career issues in the Drupal-sphere! :moneybag:
* #ddi-contrib-team -- learn how to contribute back to the Drupal project! :building_construction:
* #ddi-session-help -- get feedback on sessions or proposals you have for camps and cons! :studio_microphone:
* #ddi-europe -- have conversations with the European Drupal community about D&I issues! :flag-eu:
* #ddi-media-club -- discuss books & other media related to d&i! :books: (
* #ddi-chat -- converse with DDI folks about *all kinds* of topics, from politics to why your view isn't working!

:four: announcements (events, jobs, calls for sessions) - check if still relevant!

:five: Celebrations! We use this agenda item as a way of celebrating the wins - big or small in our community. We'll also use them to showcase things people have done or achieve. 

:six: *Personal check-ins.* :no_entry_sign:
(These are automatically off the record.)

[ You can add a prompt here if you want]

:seven: **Open floor **

If anyone has anything they would like to discuss or ask about - now's your chance. You can also DM me! 

:ddi: :ddi: :ddi:
Official meeting is over, but the conversations will continue. Thank you for showing up and contributing to make this community a better space.
• To send feedback about DD&I, the leadership team, anything really (even anonymous high fives!) click "Submit Feedback" at
• And the work continues over at:
• Agenda for next week: [ issue link here ]. Feel free to add to it!


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