Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process 

The DD&I Leadership team will run its major decisions by Robert’s Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order was developed to manage formally structured debates. With Robert’s rules, organizations follow a fixed agenda and present motions prior to voting. Board members participate by stating the decision they would like to make prior to discussing its merit.

Given the nature of our asynchronous team meetings and small team size, we will make decisions based on the Majority Vote and keep the voting period active for one week (unless otherwise stated).  

Here’s a Robert’s Rule of example with DD&I specific by-laws:

1. The member rises and addresses the chair.
2. The chair recognizes the member.
3. The member makes a motion.
Any member of the DD&I team (leader, leadership team, leadership council, or advisory board) makes a motion.
4. Another member seconds the motion.
The motion is seconded in words or receives at least one thumbs up emoji by the leader or a leadership team member.
5. The chair states the motion.
The motion being voted on is stated clearly.
6. The members debate the motion.
The leadership team members and the leader debate the motion. Leadership Council may weigh in during the debate.
7. The chair puts the question, and the members vote.
Only the leadership team members and the leader vote. In the absence of the leader, two leadership council or advisory board members must vote.  The decision is made by majority > 50% of the votes.
8. The chair announces the result of the vote.
The leader announces the result of the vote in slack, adds it to the decision log on Google Drive and the decision is executed.

Decision Bylaws: 

  • All votes are active for 1 week unless otherwise stated.

  • A quorum is all leadership team members (including the leader) who act within the defined time period.

  • Leadership team members who do not act within the time period relinquish their right to vote and the decision will move forward without them.
  • Additions or removals of individuals as the leader or leadership team, leadership council, advisory board member will also go through this process.

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