Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities

It’s our hope that this page will help the team leads more effectively work towards diversity and inclusion within the Drupal community.


All “Lead” roles have a shared set of responsibilities in addition to the role-specific responsibilities outlined below. The time estimates given for each position include these responsibilities. Those responsibilities are:

  • Keep initiatives page and initiatives docs on website up to date
  • Attend weekly leadership sync 
  • Attend weekly main channel meeting 
  • Lead meetings in main channel (frequency will change based on number of leadership team members, but will likely not be more than once per month) 
  • Take notes in leadership sync (frequency will change based on number of leadership team members, but will likely not be more than once per month) 
  • Coordinate work and contributors

Leads are added to a private Slack channel and a group mailing list. Contributors are added to the public #diversity-inclusion slack channel. 

If a Lead is not able to meet the expectations of their role, the team can work together to adjust the expectations to be a better fit.  Alternatively, the Lead can move into a contributor or alumni role, which are less demanding. If a Lead is regularly unable to attend meetings or contribute, the leadership team may vote to move that person to alumni status. 

This is a living document, maintained by the DD&I Leadership team with input from the larger DD&I community. It can and will change over time.

DDI Lead - Tearyne D. Almendariz

This role leads the group, providing longer-term direction and vision, supporting team members, and more. 

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 5-7 hours per week


  • Help leadership team with accountability and progress on their areas of work 
  • Establish priorities, vision & direction for DDI (6, 12, 18 months)
    • Maintain Values, History & similar documents with support of Deputy Lead and Marketing Lead
  • Mediate conflict within the group
  • Serve as the contact & voice for conversations with DA, Dries & other outside groups
  • Work with deputy to set weekly agenda
  • Approve and retire initiatives as needed
  • Perform exit interviews with leadership members who step back
  • Nominates successor for leadership team to vote on
  • Transition leadership when their term ends
  • Manage Finances in collaboration with Deputy Lead
    • Manage Open Collective (OC) page(s)
    • Coordinate with OC
    • Update our OC subscribers
    • Manage finances
    • Approve spending
    • Order anything needed
    • Help with reimbursements


Administrative Lead - OPEN

This role exists to support the leader with administrative and management tasks. 

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 5-7 hours per week


  • General Administration
    • Check email weekly 
    • Organize & maintain Google Drive on a monthly basis
    • Organize & maintain issue queue on a monthly basis
    • Create and maintain a password management system for admin passwords
    • Create Security guidelines for groups/best practices
    • Manage group email list & other accounts
  • Meeting Schedule
    • Schedule Thursday meeting leaders
    • Be aware of holidays & conflicts
    • Export meetings
    • Create & assign Thursday Meeting agendas in consultation with the lead
    • Schedule Tuesday meeting note takers
    • Create Tuesday Meeting agendas
    • Manage public meeting calendar
    • Manage leadership meeting calendar
    • Manage public calendar
  • Manage Finances in collaboration with DDI Lead
    • Manage OC page(s)
    • Coordinate with OC
    • Update our OC subscribers
    • Manage finances
    • Approve spending
    • Order anything needed
    • Help with reimbursements
  • Offboard leadership team members who step back 
    • Remove from slack channel, google group, and any other relevant accounts
  • Provide backup to the Lead as needed


Marketing Lead - Alex Laughnan

This role promotes DDI via social media, our newsletter and our website. 

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3-5 hours per week


  • Newsletter content & sending
    • Writing newsletter & collecting info to be included
    • Formatting in Mailchimp & sending
    • Reporting on email stats in leadership meetings for visibility
  • Social Media Management
    • Social media management -- posting as well as managing posts from other leadership team members
    • Social media listening/responding
  • Blog Management
    • Come up with blog topics
    • Schedule blog posts
    • Get blog volunteers
    • Write blog posts
    • Edit blog posts
    • Publish blog posts
    • Reporting on website stats in leadership meetings for visibility
  • Website Management
    • Develop website features
    • Update website content
    • Improve visual theming and usability
    • Review evergreen pages and coordinate updates (every six months)
  • Recruit & manage Marketing Contributors

Marketing contributors - Alanna Burke

Description: This role supports the Marketing Lead as agreed upon with the lead.

Term: 1 year

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Assist Marketing Lead
  • Attend main channel meeting 


Contrib Team Lead - Alex McCabe

This role supports DDI’s code-based contributions to the project. 

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3-5 hours per week


  • Groom and maintain issue queue for Gender field & Open Demographics (OD) modules
  • Promoting groomed issues in meetings
  • Mentor volunteer novice contributors on novice level tickets
  • Assign more advanced tickets to volunteer advanced contributors
  • Take on tickets that nobody has volunteered for or that no progress has been made on, novice or advanced, after they have been in the issue queue for a while
  • Maintain module(s) and releases on d.o, including release notes, etc.
  • Work with OD project to develop a Drupal implementation of OD as field types

Contrib team contributors - OPEN

This role supports the Contrib Team Lead as agreed upon with the lead.

Term: 1 year

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Assist Contrib Team Lead
  • Attend main channel meeting (1 hour)


Resource Lead - Elli Ludwigson

This role manages our Resource Library.

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3 hours per week


  • Regularly review & approve resources
  • Highlight resources with a blog post each quarter
  • Curate resource collections for newsletters and social media posts
  • Invite/remind people to post new resources
  • Add new resources
  • Highlight new, interesting resources in our main meetings

Resource contributors - Ruby Sinreich

This role supports the Resource Lead as agreed upon with the lead.

Term: 1 year

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Attend main channel meeting (1 hour)
  • Assist Resource Lead (1 hour)


Events Lead - OPEN

This role supports DDI speaking at events and participating via booth presence.

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3-4 hours per week


  • Coordinate presentations
    • Share open CFPs with the group to decide if we want to speak
    • Coordinate session proposals
    • Identify a coordinator for each presentation
  • Coordinate booth presence
    • Identify booth opportunities
    • Recruit a coordinator for each booth opportunity.
  • Update roles & responsibilities for booth & presentation coordinators
  • Support coordinators in their work.


Presentation Coordinator - OPEN

This role is assigned for each presentation. This person is responsible for a single presentation on behalf of Drupal Diversity & Inclusion.

Term: 2-3 months before a major event

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Add presentation to Initiative page
  • Recruit speakers
  • Submit talk to the CFP 
  • Update slide deck
  • Schedule rehearsals/working time with speakers
  • Coordinate with event staff re: presentation time, a/v needs
  • Coordinate with Marketing Lead re: promotions (newsletter, social media, blog)
  • Add presentation recordings to Resource Library and/or write a blog post to accompany the presentation
  • Attend weekly meetings in the lead-up to the event (1 hour)


Booth Coordinator - OPEN

This role is assigned for each booth. This person is responsible for managing all details of our booth presence at the event. 

Term: 2-3 months before a major event

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Manage relevant swag/assets
    • Prior to the event, take an inventory of all of the materials (stickers, postcard, banner, photobooth supplies). 
    • Order any needed supplies. 
    • Decide if they should be delivered to the event, or to someone’s hotel/airbnb, or someone’s home and brought to the event. 
    • Get information about setup and breakdown times from the DA, booth location, etc. 
    • Prepare slides for the monitor.
    • Coordinate materials being returned to Events Lead. 
  • Manage booth volunteers
    • Recruit booth volunteers
    • Create a schedule for booth duty, noting any DDI sessions and related sessions on the schedule. (example
    • Ship banner to event as needed
    • Make sure volunteers have access to the binder of information including talking points and how to work the photo booth. 
    • Send a thank you note to our booth volunteers.
  • Attend weekly meetings in the lead-up to the event (1 hour)


Speaker Diversity Lead - OPEN

Advance diversity among speakers at Drupal events. 

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3-5 hours per week


  • Plan work to improve speaker diversity
  • Coordinate with other Drupal working groups (CWG, EOG, DA) re: our trainings
  • Coordinate with Jill Binder and any other consultants 
  • Assist with fundraising
  • Track speaker trainings that have been given
  • Recruit new folks to give speaker trainings
  • Find opportunities to give speaker trainings 
  • Manage #ddi-speaker-workshops slack channel
  • Solicit & add resources related to events to the resource library
  • Update the website with initiative details

Speaker Diversity Contributors - OPEN

This role supports the Speaker Diversity Lead as agreed upon with the lead.

Term: 1 year

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Attend main channel meeting (1 hour)
  • Assist Speaker Diversity Lead (1 hour)


Careers Lead - Tearyne Almendariz 

Build resources for underrepresented groups to get jobs in Drupal

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 3-5 hours per week


  • Manage #ddi-careers slack channel 
  • Find & share job postings
  • Create related content to increase job success for marginalized candidates
  • Solicit & add resources related to careers to the resource library

Careers Contributors - Alanna Burke

This role supports the Careers Lead as agreed upon with the lead.

Term: 1 year

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Attend main channel meeting (1 hour)
  • Assist Careers Lead (1 hour)


Leadership Council 

This role exists to provide guidance, historical context and support to the active leadership team.

Term: 1-2 years

Hours: 2 hours per week


  • Attend weekly leadership sync (1 hour)
  • Attend weekly main channel meeting (1 hour)



This role has no expectations or responsibilities. When a leader at any level decides to step away from the group, they are removed from the leadership Slack channel, email list and various other accounts.  We then add their name to our alumni list.  

It’s our way of honoring those who have contributed to the Drupal Diversity & Inclusion leadership team in the past, but are no longer active with the group. We are grateful for the work our alumni have done over the years.

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