Feedback & Insights

➤ Feedback

To send feedback about DD&I, the leadership team, or anything really:

We are actively listening to feedback. DD&I was made for the community and we want to continue to work with community members in order to make our spaces safer and more inclusive.

Whenever we receive feedback, we discuss it as a team and decide whether or not it’s actionable. If it is, we plan for a Twitter thread, a meeting agenda item, or even a blog post. In the past, anonymous feedback has prompted actions like tweeting about our stance on an issue to revising our statement of values. Know that we are listening and that we feel that we are accountable to those who give us feedback.

➤ This work is not easy

We are working towards making a safer space.

We understand that joining a new group can be difficult, and many of our conversations can be challenging for a number of reasons. We try to make our spaces safer by:

  • Wearing our hats as needed--if you are speaking in a role other than “Drupal community member” (e.g. DDI Leadership, DA Staff, CWG member), please state your role.
  • Encouraging folks not to share conversations outside the channel--context is important.
  • Welcoming & encouraging feedback, whether it is direct or anonymous
  • Running a moderation team spearheaded by Alanna Burke.

One of the challenges many online communities have experienced is articulating the difference between "inclusiveness" and "welcoming people who oppose inclusiveness." Articulating that this is a shared set of ideals, and that all others who share them are welcome, helps answer the "Diversity must include people who don't want diversity, or it's not really diverse" objection that comes up so frequently.

➤ DD&I leadership is not one voice

DD&I, as a group, has not taken or expressed a position on any Drupal issue. We felt it was important to state this as some community members have assumed we held positions that we do not.

However, the DD&I leadership team is made up of individual contributors in the community who have different opinions on varied topics. Their opinions are their own. They are encouraged to state the hats they are wearing in discussions where clarity is needed. For example, Fatima, speaking for myself vs Fatima, speaking as the leader of DD&I.

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