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White pro basketball player wrestles with questions or privilege, guilt, and responsibility. A great read and very accessible for sharing with people new to these ideas.

The men’s guide to understanding emotional labor

As a bro-y yet sensitive guy who cares about gender equality, I’ve always been apprehensive about entering the fray on gender issues. But in a #MeToo world, choosing to stay in my lane to avoid being criticized just doesn’t feel like an option. Deep inside, I knew this was a conversation that I needed to be a part of. And so began the laborious act of understanding emotional labor—and now I’m convinced that this is a conversation everyone needs to be a part of.

The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto

A well-written slate of alternate values for developers that don't reinforce current systems of oppression as "meritocracy" so often does. Readers are invited to sign on to the statement.

How to use twitter on your journey to understanding

Marco Rogers outlines how to use Twitter to improve your understanding of social justice work. 

So You Want to Be an Ally

This article shares a lot of fundamental concepts and resources for those wanting to be better allies.

On passing.

A twitter thread from Jeff Eaton about the luxury of passing in tech culture, and the responsibility white men have to resist that luxury.

Managing Unconscious Bias

A Facebook video series on an array of topics including:

  • Stereotypes and Performance Bias
  • Competence/Likeability Tradeoff Bias

Featuring the video "Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion and What You Can Do"

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