Organizing events

How to have events that more inclusive and have more diverse speakers and participants.

Speaker Diversity Workshop training deck

Jill Binder wrote a training deck for the Speaker Diversity Workshop in the Drupal space. Speaker notes were added to the slide deck.

This resource is for anyone who wants to give the training at a local camp, meetup, etc.

Women Talk Design

Women Talk Design elevates women and gender non-binary speakers, empowers event organizers with resources to engage more diverse speakers, and offers training and support for new speakers.


Hexagon is a global UX non-profit organization with a focus on community events and mentorship programs aimed to empower and support women and non-binary folks. Through our events, mentorship program, and online community, we empower women and non-binary folks to bring their whole selves to work – building confidence, balancing the ratio in the UX industry, and effecting change on a greater scale.

Guidelines for Conference Organizers

An open-sourced document to help conference organizers with diversity and inclusion efforts.

If you build it, they won’t come

Includes discussion of why it's important to build diversity into the foundation of your event, and links to other helpful articles.

Organizing events

in the kingdom of the blind

Technologist, podcaster, conference speaker, devopsdays organizer Birdget Kroumhout explains why "blind submissions" don't meaningfully help to improve speaker diversity since they don't address the reasons that most submissions are from people that look like you. She also offers some suggestions for how to do better.

Organizing events


A resource for finding women speakers and moderators for your event.

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