
TED talk: The urgency of intersectionality

Talk summary: "Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice."

Creating a Diversity Scholarship Program for Your Conference

This article highlights all the many things that help contribute to having a more diverse event. The step by step process is a good reminder of why we need to think about those various things.

Going Farther Together: The Impact of SocialCapital on Sustained Participation in Open Source

Abstract—Sustained participation by contributors in open-source software is critical to the survival of open-source projectsand can provide career advancement benefits to individualcontributors. However, not all contributors reap the benefitsof open-source participation fully, with prior work showingthat women are particularly underrepresented and at higherrisk of disengagement.

Hiring, Inclusion, Privilege


White pro basketball player wrestles with questions or privilege, guilt, and responsibility. A great read and very accessible for sharing with people new to these ideas.

The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto

A well-written slate of alternate values for developers that don't reinforce current systems of oppression as "meritocracy" so often does. Readers are invited to sign on to the statement.

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

PDF essay excerpted from Working Paper 189. "White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account
of Coming To See Correspondences through Work in Women's Studies" (1988), by Peggy McIntosh.

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

John Scalzi uses video games as a metaphor to discuss privilege. 

It is Bigger Than Microaggressions: Moving through tech as a black trans man.

This personal essay describes the intersecting microaggressions experienced by the author, a black trans man working in tech, and the negative impact they have on him and other marginalized people in tech. 

Managing Unconscious Bias

A Facebook video series on an array of topics including:

  • Stereotypes and Performance Bias
  • Competence/Likeability Tradeoff Bias

Featuring the video "Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion and What You Can Do"

On Meritocracy

Glenn Gillen's November 30, 2013 thoughts on the potential problems with meritocracy.

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